This is so true. Sticking to something we are bad at for a while teaches us a lot of valuable lessons. I remember starting running 7 years ago and hating every minute of it, I couldnt do more than 3k without complaining. But now couple of years later I love running , and train for long races . If I didnt sitck through it I would have never discovered what great of a sport running is. On another I need to show my baby girl this little meme, I laughed so much, she got her patience from her dad, and this little video was spot on so thank you for the morning laugh :D

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🤣 yay, someone appreciates the meme! Do you also do ultra-long distances? It is funny, but I’ve had a similar relationship with running. I used to be part of a running club, and I hated running as I was putting so much pressure on myself to be great at it, but since I stopped caring and started jogging on my own terms, I love it again. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment, Meo. I hope you are doing well! Have a beautiful evening 🖤

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I can absolutely relate. One thing I've found in my own journey with perfectionism is that, paradoxically, letting go of the need to be perfect actually allows me to be more creative and productive. When I'm not paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes, I'm able to take more risks and express myself more authentically. Your output becomes more "you" when you release the grip of perfectionism. Thanks for sharing!

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I fully agree and we were even talking about it the other day haha I quoted you already in the comments here. It's like we've reached the age where caring is just too much effort 😄 Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Have a wonderful Sunday 🖤

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Ja, danke Tugba, Hoffe das Du selbst guter Dinge bist; hier so allgemein gut, doch immer das eine oder andere dass zu etwas Stress fuehrt. Hoffe das Herz bleibt nicht fuer lange schwarz !!

Freue mich auf bald wieder, tschüss, Glenn

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hahaha du bist lustig Glenn. Ich mag das schwarze Herz so gern 🤣🖤

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This is great. I, too, are unlearning this mindset of: everything I do needs to lead somewhere and needs to be productive of some kind.

Recently I started learning a totally different, more impressionist paint style, and it kind of looks shit for now 😂 I'm enjoying it so much though. I think that's the most important: if we're enjoying and keep on going, we'll get out of "the valley of suck" and some good things will come. We just don't know what yet and that's the beauty!

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Amazing Danique. I used to avoid learning to draw and paint because of tremors on my hands. But I'm glad I started taking lessons from a friend who is an artist last year. It turns out it's okay if the lines aren't perfectly straight – nobody will die from it haha What matters is that I'm enjoying it.

I just read on your profile that surgery cured your epilepsy. That's amazing! My grandma used to have epilepsy, too. She passed away, but when I was a child, we were a part of her journey with the illness, and it wasn't easy. I remember one Easter when we went to stay with them, and my granddad was at work. She had an epilepsy seizure, and we got really worried. I was probably ten at the time, and no other adult was around. It was all fine in the end, but we cried so much.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment 🖤 Have a wonderful Sunday.

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Haha, I'm actually going for a style that has loose lines. Make from your weakness your strength 😎 it gives the art a bit more soul I think.

Wow that really touches me. Epilepsy can be very frightening, especially for the loved ones... Since I had the surgery and am on a low-carb diet I have no seizures anymore and it's such a liberating experience. I'm immensely grateful.

Thanks for sharing this touching story. Have a great Sunday as well ❤️

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Thank you so much Danique 🖤

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Most of mY life I’m a nonconformist that just about always attempts to find an alternative win-win approach & congenial solution to avoid following thru with being told what to do. I feel authentically alive deep inside when I discover & approach challenges, transform work into a spirit of engaged playful fun orientation & explore many possibilities within accomplishing significant projects in wAys not many others will attempt. I’m continually amazed that I seemingly get away with doing things in mY own wAy. No guilt, shame, external blame festers inside. Life is what happens when we really shine 🌅 between the ordinary fertilizer moments of dying into the garden’s mulch 🌱

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Amazing Michael. I'm not as far yet, but I'm working on getting away with things, too.

I love that you wrote that. The older I get, the easier it gets, though.

I hope you are doing well 😀 Have a wonderful Sunday! Thank you for reading and commenting.

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Good question!! I love thought provoking ice-breakers and this is going on the list ;) also, loved the voice message!! It made it so personal!!

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Gosh, thank you, Barbs. It only took me 15 retakes to record 35 seconds of audio hahaha

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Have a beautiful Sunday 🖤

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yes! I think a big factor is getting over the worry of what other people think of you. When you realize that no on really cares what you are doing and you are the only person you need to make happy, it can become more about doing the things that you enjoy.... I think haha... I'm about to turn 40 and am just starting to come to this realization. I play in a band with friends... we are not very good, but we have so much fun. If we worried about what other people thought, we would never touch our instruments again!

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I had the same conversation with my best friend yesterday. He has been making music since he was a teenager and never had a big commercial breakthrough. But he said last night that he doesn't care. He still loves it and can't imagine a life without music. We laughed that the older you get, the less you care about people's thoughts. Thank goodness!

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment Dan. Have a wonderful Sunday 🖤

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This piece has me pondering: In a world that often equates worth with achievement, how do we redefine 'success' to include the simple act of trying, regardless of the outcome? It's a question that feels both urgent and essential for our collective well-being.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you, Alexander! This is an incredibly pressing issue, especially for the younger generation, who have been exposed to the pervasive influence of social media from a very young age. They are constantly inundated with the message that their value is intrinsically linked to their level of commercial success.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Have a wonderful Sunday 🖤

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Well Tugba, one thing for sure you are naturally good at - that is writing !!!

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Hallo Glenn, schön von dir zu hören. VIELEN DANK! Es freut mich, dich wieder in den Kommentaren zu sehen. Wie geht es dir?

Vielen dank für das Lesen! Ich hoffe, du hast einen wunderschönen Sonntag. Ganz liebe grüße nach Kanada 🖤

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Tuğba Avci, this is awesome.

You did it again.

Funny thing is...I have tried to develop a LIVING in doing things I'm bad at.

Maybe you or others have a term for it,...but I call it "success in motion".

Nothing is perfect....and I started giggling when you stated 'in a perfectly polished society'...because it's not. That's the lie, and it's a butt-kicker funny one, too.

Society WANTS to be polished perfect, and that, in itself, becomes the flaw...a big fuss-filled THING on Aunt Bessie's chin that no one can look away from, but ya just don't want to talk about it, either! That's society.

It ain't got no clothes on!!!

They key, I believe, and I could be wrong here,....is to be okay with yourself.

I'm an old, fluffy, grumpy, cartoonist and writer who uses words badly...for a LIVING.

Seriously, I'm SO bad at this,...but I know that when people interact with me, all my stupid still allows the LOVE I have for others comes through.

...typos and all.

I'm okay with that.

People are SO worth the moments of embarrassment I feel, so long as they know they are seen, appreciated and treasured by this old, grumpy, fluffy man, trying to tell stories to the world.

You're brilliant, Tuğba, I hope you know that =)


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Ohhh and also hugs bag haha I think there is an emoji for it 🫂

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Thank you so much, Jaime! It's great to see you in the comments. Your comments are always so uplifting.

The idea of a "perfectly polished society" is all fake – we're all being tricked. It's a scam! These days, I love watching videos of people doing funny and cringeworthy things. It makes me feel more alive, as it's more human. I'm tired of this fake perfection, especially on Instagram.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Have a beautiful Sunday, Jaime 🖤

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I’m a serious language learner of Italian - I’m clumsy - I must work at it all the time, also I practice Shodo but I’ll never but great at it I just love the brush strokes and the zen of it.

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I’ve taken classes on and off - I really like the brushes, I think they really help me get in the flow of creating art 🖌️ ;) Lis

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I may need to look into it. I love taking classes haha my fav things. It keeps me motivated. Have a wonderful Sunday 🖤

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I actually had to Google Shodo because I didn't know what it was. Wow, that is amazing, llgriffin. I bought a calligraphy brush during the pandemic and some special paper to give it a try. I did experiment a bit and I loved watching how the color flows with the water. Mesmerizing. Did you go to a workshop or watch YouTube videos?

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Have a wonderful Sunday 🖤

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So frustrating learning something new, but I listened to a great chat on Huberman Lab with Cal Newport. Everyone raves about being 'in flow', but the real learning comes in pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Well done you. It's about time Türkiye was represented at Wimbledon!

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Have you listened to the podcast where he talks about how our brain changes when we do things that we don't want to do or when we do challenging things? It increases our willpower and changes the part of our brain that controls willpower. It's so fascinating.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, Jerry. Have a wonderful Sunday 🖤

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I’ve been thinking about this a lot actually! I started pole dancing a few months ago and I totally suck. I’ve only become a little better as I attend classes more consistently but it took me a while to get over the resistance of looking bad. I had to really shift my focus from fear of looking bad to having fun pushing myself.

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Love this, Robyn 😍 are you doing it in Berlin? Another artist friend invited me to join her in one of the pole dancing lessons she regularly attends. It is crazy how much body control you need to have to be able to do it. Amazing that you are going for it.

We forget that even the pros were once amateurs haha and they also looked cringe. Also, I love watching cringe videos of our people on social media. I'm tired of all the perfection. It is so much more human and funny; it makes me feel better about myself. I have zero talents in sports, but I still love doing them.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment Have a wonderful Sunday 🖤

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Oof, the line about enjoying being told "you're a natural" got me. Perfectionism runs in my blood. This reminded me, viscerally, of my ongoing driving lessons. Learning to drive has been a very humbling experience because I am FAR from a natural, but I already feel proud at the slow progress I've made. Loved everything about this post! 🖤

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That line always gets me emotional 😭, and it's tough to accept, but I don't want to pretend it's not true. It still resonates with me so much. I do therapy, so I recognise that it doesn't always come from a healthy place, even though, of course, it is also human to feel that way.

Have a beautiful digital detox Sunday 🖤 I changed my mind in the end haha

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I’m full of curiosity, but beating down the “can’t” can be difficult. I try as much as possible to get out of my comfort zone by taking a class in something. Building new neuropath ways in our brains by learning something new is so important.

Thank you for sharing this post. XX

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That is amazing, Lisa! Life has much more depth when we quieten our minds and enjoy all these beautiful experiences. There are far too many older people in my life who have many regrets about not trying certain things. I definitely don't want to be one of them.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Have a wonderful Sunday 🖤

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You too.

Happy Thanksgiving from Canada:)

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I absolutely suck at playing guitar. I started playing it as a kid and tried to learn it properly for years. I was so bad that I switched to bass guitar later, hoping it would be easier. I played in the worst cover band in the world, and I was still the weak link. Even though I had fun doing it, I stopped playing. What good is playing when you just don't have talent, right?

During the pandemic, I picked up the acoustic guitar for this first time in 30 years. I haven't become any better or more talented over that time, that's for sure. I watched some YouTube tutorials and took online lessons. I'm still very bad. But I love playing my messed up version of The Cure's "A Forest". It's fun. I won't ever play for anyone except myself (well, my wife had to sit through it once). There is no competition. There is just play.

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What a lovely story, Stephan 🖤 I wonder how many of us stop doing things in our teenage years because of this -> What good is playing when you just don't have talent, right?

Anyway, I don't want to be too pessimistic. I was talking to my best friend yesterday, who is a musician. He has been making music since he was a teenager and never had a big breakthrough. But he said last night that he doesn't care. He still loves it and can't imagine a life without music. We laughed that the older you get, the less you care about people's thoughts. Thank goodness!

Thank you, Stephan, for always taking the time to read and leave a thoughtful comment 🥹 Have a wonderful Sunday!

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Oh, that's another important aspect, but I'd say it's a slightly different case.

Your friend is probably not bad at making music; he just never found commercial success. Those things are often not even remotely connected to each other. Just wanted to point that out.

Have a great Sunday too! Love your posts.

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Exactly! This is precisely what I mean: social media has intensified these pressures. The idea that you are only a good musician, artist and writer if you have commercial success reflects how deeply capitalism runs in our veins. Despite our reluctance to acknowledge it, we often start believing it deep down 😢

By the way, I came across a couple of days ago a book on my Kindle that I bought in February; I think you may like it too https://www.faber.co.uk/product/9780571363254-where-we-come-from/

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Oh, that sounds great indeed. I was very into grime back in the days. I've basically checked out of UK rap since drill took over though (I've basically checked out of mainstream rap for a good decade by now).

Will look into it, thanks for the recommendation!

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