This is the first piece of yours that I've read, but I definitely relate with nearly all you said. Especially the critic...uggh. Still working through that stuff, but I appreciate your advice! Good stuff and I look forward to reading more.

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Peter, thank you so much! Really appreciate your comment. It is always great to know we are not alone in this. I don't know about you, but I'm less critical of myself, knowing that it's just normal and we are all going through these struggles. Bonding over these things really normalises these feelings.

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I can’t wait to see your artwork in your next post and be alongside you as your develop as a visual artist. Go at your own pace. And give yourself the grace to find yourself in this new work 🖤 we all ebb and flow in creative practice!

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Thank you Lauren :) It's so precious to have this supportive community on substack and you are one of the precious people.

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“I kept conceptualising and writing about the idea but couldn't get started until there was so little time left that I had to work overtime week in and out to finish on time. “ are we sharing the same brain 🤣 ?

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🤣 feels so good to read this! I think of other artists being more disciplined, but I guess we are all in the same boat

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Hola , Déjate Llevar , Para Hacer Arte Hay Qué Jugar Con La Mente , Así Puedes Disfrutar Plenamente De La Creación Qué Éstas Generando. Un Saludo.

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