Love this and i always say it.. in a world with constnat distractions, whatsapps, instagram, tv, phone calls, music, work, plans, etc. if we don't actively seek out an enviornment were we reach a point of boredom, there's a hidden place deep down full of magic and creativity that we'd never get to reach as long as the noise is around

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Thank you, babe, for reading 🖤 Hug to you!

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Rest, recuperate, only invest time in things that bring value. Knowing what those are is a moment to moment game

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I love that, Paolo! It's a moment-to-moment game and a lifelong endeavour 🥰 Thank you 🖤

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Es wäre echt nett dich in Berlin zu treffen, danke. Halte die Ohren steif ! Vielleicht klappt zuvor ein zoom Treffen, wie auch immer, freue mich !

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So Sorry, Spellchecker erkennt deinen Namen nicht - of course - TUGBA !!!

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Ja Tuba, Politik is ein immer heikles Thema. Zwei Leute haben meist 5 Meinungen und versteifen sich endlos. Deswegen have ich mich politisch zurück gezogen und geniesse "Shorts" zu schreiben.

Mein guter Freund in der Pfalz hält mich über D auf dem Laufenden und es ist wirklich trist. Zu schnell wird man bitter und sarkastisch wenn man darüber denkt und spricht, daher nur unter besten Freunden denken.

Kanada ist inzwischen vollkommen kaputt und daneben, aller höchsten zum Kurzbesuch geeignet. Auf gar keinen Fall länger blieben - ich muss leider. Will versuchen einen D Besuch hinzukriegen, aber nicht vor Mai '25. Hoffe der Kaffee (besser Cappuccino) ist noch heiß bis dahin ! Tschüss Tugba,


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Ja ich stimme dir bei allem zu!

Wie auch immer Cappuccino und ich freuen uns auf deinen Besuch, hoffentlich nächstes Jahr :) Happy Sunday lieber Glenn!

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The point about boredom is well-taken. When I'm not at the studio, I'm continually thinking about what I'm doing here and what I want to do next. Even though I like being able to have a nearly continuous flow of creative ideas, sometimes, I need to back off from actively thinking and letting my mind go for a bit. That actually requires planning and changing habits. The biggest one now is slowing the flow of constant information coming in by disengaging from the phone and making time for mental breaks during the day.

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I stumbled upon one of Austin Kleon's older blog posts on a similar topic this week and found it very insightful. As a result, I ended up purchasing Beth's book. Yesterday, I had a conversation with my American friend, who shared his struggles with the ingrained nature of capitalism, even after living in Europe for years. Despite being born and raised in Germany, which I still count as less capitalistic than many other countries, I can still relate to the difficulty of simply “being” as we are constantly influenced to “do”. It seems challenging to break away from these societal pressures, and it's all interconnected that it is hard to switch off https://austinkleon.com/2021/04/19/i-am-no-longer-weakened-by-the-weekend/

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The first and last 2 hours of a day are extremely sacred. Not touching up my phone during that time, forces me to let my mind wander and it is during this period I get clarity and get my mud settled.

While this is one way, the other one is a tech-free walk in the neighborhood for 15 minutes. Being present and not to think of any problem, sight seeing the surroundings. That's how new ideas spark.

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I love the “taking tech-free walks” in the neighbourhood! I need to try it! I'm attempting to incorporate more tech-free time into my day, which works wonders. I've realised how much we overconsume these days. I was telling my friend yesterday that we're so used to being connected all the time that we don't even notice the difference in how we feel and think without all that. Taking breaks is amazing because it brings so much clarity and peace. Do you have any other tips? I'm always keen to hear how other people are managing things. Happy Sunday Ahamed 🖤

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Vielen Dank Tugba fuer die Glueckwuensche ! I always did want to hold a "real book" of mine in my hands. A vanity thing I am sure, but my daughter was excited about this a lot and that made me proud a lot !

Ja, ich bin deutsch-kanadier, have i Duisburg studiert. Lebe aber seit langem nimmer in D. War international tätig )u.a. bei der UN) und seit 2000, hier in Kanada mit Familie. Ohne viel erzählen zu wollen, Kanada ist inzwischen ein vollkommen dummes Land geworden und es ist keinem anzuraten hierher zu kommen, ausser Urlaub vielleicht. Entschuldige die herbe Sprache, aber wir werden von Deppen regiert.

War in 23 in D. Will versuchen in 25 wieder einen Besuch einlegen zu können. "Zuhause" bin ich in der Westpfalz, aber auch gute Freunde in München.

Nicht unterkriegen lassen, wie heist es doch so schön: "Keep your feet on the ground but keep reaching for the stars !"

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So super. Ich war sehr erfreut, deinen Kommentar auf Deutsch zu lesen, Glenn 🥰

Bedauerlicherweise ist es in Europa nicht anders. Es gibt einen allgemeinen Rechtstrend und egoistische Politiker, die nur nach ihren eigenen Vorteilen handeln. Ich bin mir auch nicht sicher, wo man hinziehen sollte? Es gibt leider keine guten Alternativen.

Ich denke, Kanada ist mir zu kalt zum Leben, aber ich möchte auf jeden Fall länger reisen.

Wenn du in Berlin bist, sag bitte Bescheid und wir können Kaffee trinken gehen.

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Yay for boredom. Walk dogs, swim in sea - daily, both without phones. This allows some boredom but also exercise a nice combo for me

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I try to start every morning without my phone until at least 10 a.m. I've been thinking about how to have more offline time in my week, maybe half a day or even a full day. My best friend does it every Wednesday with another friend of his. They call it the 'day of flow'—no phones or talking to anyone, just making music all day. Omg, but where do you live that you can swim daily? Sounds like a dream.

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One day a week sounds a good plan. I live off the south coast of England 10 minute walk to the beach, luckily 😊

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Oh whoatt! Where exactly? I lived six years in Exeter 🥰

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You do seem to be an excellent observer Tuba ! Over the years aI have detached from politics, too many arguments that miss the point and I can no longer exhaust myself in that. So my short story writing is a super good way for me to put my observations into (semi-) fictional contexts. You may have noticed I now have a paywall where I have archived earlier stories. That is because I have published 22 of them on Amazon as a small hard-cover book, received my copy today. I am probably beaming :)

For me it is not about sales and many readers (I am little inclined to self-promote) but it is nice to have something with an ISBN :).

Keep up your own writing, but never neglect to not only stay above water, but consolidate things. From writing alone I think that is not possible for most writers. Oh yes, I live in Ottawa, have for the past 24 years. Canada is nowadays a sorry place, not worth even thinking about to live here, but I have no more choice (I am retired on a pension now). I am German - Canadian and should you prefer to chat in German, nur zu. Tschuess, Glenn

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Congratulations, Glenn! It's amazing that you turned your stories into a book. I would be beaming, too, if I were in your shoes. It's a huge achievement. I started writing a book this year, but I've put it on pause for the moment. I'll get back to it very soon. Like in your case, I'm not after sales – of course, it would be nice, but it's more about publishing something lasting and holding a book in my hands. That's amazing! I've only ever been to Montreal, but I'd love to visit more of Canada. Do you speak German? Do you visit Germany sometimes? Do you have family there? Have a great start to the week!

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I couldn't agree more Tugba. I feel like consistent creators who feel writer's block probably need to get up from their chair and do something else rather than try to white knuckle through creating something else.

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Totally, Tom! The solution isn’t forcing ourselves. Funny enough, I made a note about it yesterday: We can't force creativity, but we can create the right environment for it to flourish. Have a great start to the week!

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I'm going through a bad time right now. For 3 years I have been trying to start my career as an artist and I have failed miserably. All this time I've tried to follow the advice of other artists, I've taken lots of online courses and read blog posts, and I'm exhausted. There's too much noise in the world and I need silence. Now when I'm tired I watch an ASMR video, I like the Ecuador Live page on YT. Even 10 minutes helps me relax. I used to spend too much time on Instagram and it wasn't good for me. Now I don't use it anymore. The idea of secret garden is beautiful. I need to start growing my own.

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I’m sorry you are not feeling good, Francesca. Your words resonated with me. I've wanted to make art and be an artist for years, but I realised my limiting beliefs were holding me back. I kept trying to compensate by taking more courses. Then, I just started creating last year, and now, there's no stopping me. Along the way, I also tried to reduce the time I spent consuming other artists' work and instead focused on creating my own. I limited my use of Instagram because it made me feel bad and led to too much comparison. I think it's great that you are cutting out the unnecessary noise because only then can you hear your creative voice. Perhaps you could start with small steps. Last year, I began drawing for 10-15 minutes in the mornings, which helped me. I also don't pressure myself to share my work on social media. First and foremost, I do it for myself. When the time comes, and I feel the urge to share, I do. Take your time. When you feel better, take baby steps. Remember, there is no age limit to being an artist, so there's no rush. We can take things step by step at our speed. Sending you a hug 🖤

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Thanks for your words. I need to slow down a bit but also stop doubting myself. I like my drawings and I wish people would like them too. I just need to have patience. 🤍

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We will always have doubts about ourselves. It's a natural feeling that persists throughout our lives. However, we can find ways to pursue our goals and healthily manage our self-doubt. I've been trying to accept all emotions, even the critical ones, but to find a way not to be controlled by my insecurities. Have a great start to the week, Francesca 🖤

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So beautiful reminder to find harmony between being and doing. 💖

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Thank you so much, Catherine, for taking the time to read and comment. Have a good week 🖤

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Hola , Cuando Uno Navega Por Aguas Desafiantes Y Aburridas Durante Largos Periodos De Tiempo , Uno Se Pregunta: ¿Porque Clama A Ser Llamado , Lo Qué Me Lleva A Buscar Y Buscar Más?. Un Saludo.

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Muchas gracias :) Qué bueno verte de nuevo en mis comentarios. Espero que lo estás haciendo bien. Gracias por leer. Que tengas una buena noche 🖤

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I have quite a lot of time doing nothing over the weekend but I always end up reaching for my phone. I also try not to do anything while on my commute, just stare out of the windows and it actually takes practice just to do that. It's crazy but I really try my best to have a lil bit of that boredom every day, even for 5 minutes. Lovely piece as usual x

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Yes, Claire! I completely understand. It takes a lot of practice. Most days, I struggle to be very disciplined about it, but I will always keep trying because I believe this is why more and more people experience burnout. We are constantly connected. I keep my phone off in the mornings and switch it off in the evenings. Additionally, I only allow my Kindle in my bedroom, which is cheap and doesn’t connect to the internet properly. What other things do you do? I'm always curious to hear about other people's approaches.

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Wonderful thoughts dear one. It’s like you’ve been privy to my own thoughts lately. There is a time and season for everything under the sun. It’s my goal to work from a place of fullness and rest instead of giving myself and others the “leftovers” of an overcommitted, overstimulated life. We are the keepers of our Garden. We get to choose how much we water, prune and fertilize. We neglect it to our own harm. Appreciate you!

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I loved reading your comment, Lori! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. It's very true about the leftovers, but it's also important to remind ourselves that we are in control. Some days, it can feel helpless, but ultimately, we have a say in what balance looks like for us. Also, if today felt out of balance, tomorrow is a new day, and we can try again. This is what I keep telling myself. It is not about perfection. Have a good rest of the week🖤

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Agreed. Perfection is the enemy of creativity. It takes courage to allow ourselves to listen to our bodies each day, each hour, each minute and rest when we need it. Children seem to do it more naturally, especially when they’re small. Some days I have to remind myself the small child still lives within, and she needs to be nurtured and cared for. Or, I can deal with the meltdown and temper-tantrum later. 😂

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It's true! We can definitely learn a lot from children, and we all still have a small child in us. This isn't a bad thing at all, as children are great role models. They are so in tune with life; it's so beautiful.

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