I strongly believe that you, me and we are the purpose. The purpose anxiety manifests when we think we need to find purpose outside of ourselves. There is nothing to find “out.” It’s in us already. 🙏🏽
I strongly believe that you, me and we are the purpose. The purpose anxiety manifests when we think we need to find purpose outside of ourselves. There is nothing to find “out.” It’s in us already. 🙏🏽
Aww, my dear Yolanda! You know how much I love reading your perspective. You’ve made such a fantastic point—one I didn’t even think of when I was writing. Perhaps the real issue is that we’re trying to find purpose outside ourselves, relying too much on external factors. Beautiful insight, Yolanda! Thank you so much for reading and supporting my work 🫶🏼
Hi Tuğba, thank you for your perspective.
I strongly believe that you, me and we are the purpose. The purpose anxiety manifests when we think we need to find purpose outside of ourselves. There is nothing to find “out.” It’s in us already. 🙏🏽
Aww, my dear Yolanda! You know how much I love reading your perspective. You’ve made such a fantastic point—one I didn’t even think of when I was writing. Perhaps the real issue is that we’re trying to find purpose outside ourselves, relying too much on external factors. Beautiful insight, Yolanda! Thank you so much for reading and supporting my work 🫶🏼